What did McCarthy leak?

Thomas Joscelyn:

The first half of this Washington Post account about alleged CIA leaker Mary O. McCarthy relies on "Ty Cobb, a lawyer in the Washington office of Hogan & Hartson who said he was speaking for McCarthy." Much of the narrative focuses on Cobb's denials, but about half way through the piece we learn:

Where Cobb's account and the CIA's account differed yesterday is on whether McCarthy discussed any classified information with journalists. Intelligence sources said that the inspector general's office was generally aware of a secret prison program but that McCarthy did not have access to specifics, such as prison locations.

Earlier we learn:

Though McCarthy acknowledged having contact with reporters, a senior intelligence official confirmed yesterday that she is not believed to have played a central role in The Post's reporting on the secret prisons. The official spoke on the condition of anonymity, citing personnel matters.

Confusing? Surely. McCarthy was fired for doing something illegal, what was it exactly? The CIA says she did discuss classified information with reporters, but The Post's anonymous "senior intelligence official" said she is not thought to have been "central" to the The Post's secret prison story. But, she may have not been "central" to the story, but still played some role, no? Perhaps she confirmed certain details.

She could have also suggested sources to contact for information who did have teh operational details. With her position in the IG's office she knew who was complainging about the program and rought what their gripe was. She may have also known who the complainer had talked with. It appears that the Post coverup of the traitors continues.


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