Brazil's road to energy independence is not what you think

Thomas Lifson:

Many Americans have the vague (and false) impression that a massive conversion to ethanol production eliminated Brazil’s need to import oil. Brazil did indeed promote bio-fuel. But the real credit for ending oil imports goes to those evil oil drillers working in Brazil, unleashed on the environment by the same government earning greenie kudos for biomass conversion.

Brazil is better-known for its ethanol, but the bulk of what they are doing to gain fuel self-sufficiency is actually drilling for oil. Eighty percent of Brazil’s energy is its own oil. Less than a week ago Brazil declared independence from imported oil amidst publicity for its ethanol promotion.

One offshore platform just opened in Brazil’s South Atlantic this past weekend by itself will yield more energy than all the ethanol in Brazil.


You just know that those who have been pushing Brazil as the model for energy independency would not support drilling in ANWR, or the Gulf of Mexico. They now even oppose wind energy. The Watermellon enviromentalist want to control all commerce and they see controling energy production as the route to their goal.


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