Dull Dems turn off viewers

Reuters via NY Times:

With roughly 10 percent fewer Americans watching than four years ago, the Democratic convention may be headed for an all-time low in TV viewership for a national party meeting, according to ratings issued on Wednesday.


The critics say that adding insult to injury, network journalists are conveying a message that viewers are missing out on little.

``You have to take a speed-yawning course to get through some of this stuff,'' CBS News anchor Dan Rather told the Dallas Morning News. ``If we were on for three hours a night, in a lot of places a test pattern would get better ratings.''

In a journal entry posted on the CBSNews.com Web site, Rather further lamented, ``This convention really is duller than those ... held four years ago. Inside the (convention) hall, it's scripted down to the nanosecond.''


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