Arizona elections marred by illegals?

 The Federalist:

Lawsuit: Arizona’s Elections Chief Is Hiding Info On 218K Voters Lacking Proof Of Citizenship

 Arizona’s Democrat elections chief is illegally withholding the identities of approximately 218,000 registered voters on the state’s voter rolls who lack documentary proof of citizenship (DPOC), a lawsuit filed Wednesday alleges.


I suspect Democrats believe they will benefit from illegal voters.  I think those "voters" may be why Arizona has become a swing state.

See also:

IG Report: DHS Admitting Noncitizens Without ID May ‘Increase National Security Risks’



60 Minutes repeatedly asks Harris why the Biden/Harris admin waited 3 years to take executive action to curb illegal crossings. She says they introduced a bill upon taking office (that bill would’ve given given an 8 year path to amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants) then pivots to saying Trump killed the bipartisan border deal - which, again, the admin did not attempt until after 3 years of record setting chaos. Harris never actually answers the question as to why they waited 3 years to attempt to stop the chaos at the executive level. And a reminder about those record setting numbers, they do not include the more than 1.9 million known gotaways who were recorded entering the U.S. without apprehension. Gotaways under Biden/Harris in 3 years were higher than the prior decade of Trump + Obama - combined and there were times when entire chunks of the border were left completely unmanned to focus resources on processing/mass catch & release instead. There were days in 2022 & 2023 when 2,000+ gotaways were being recorded by CBP every day - while at the same time, the admin was falsely claiming the border was “closed” and “secure”.


 Arizona Supreme Court Green-Lights Ranked-Choice Voting Ballot Initiative Riddled With Duplicate Signatures


 Over 400K 'convicted criminals' living in US illegally, federal data shows



Last week President Biden demanded Congress come back into session to pass a emergency bill for FEMA because they had spent all their money on "Migrants". Now the Biden Harris Junta Administration is pretending outrage that anyone could claim they spent all their money on "Migrants". Even when one believes what they say, they flip it around and make you out to be the crazy person. The Gaslight extravaganza.


his first 100 days


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