Lawfare campaign against Trump criticized

 DC Daily Journal:


CNN senior legal analyst Elie Honig didn’t hold back when he took former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to task for her out-of-touch defense of the legal system’s treatment of former President Trump.

Clinton, who has long been a fixture of political controversies herself, claimed there was “nothing out of the ordinary” in the ongoing legal battles Trump is facing.

But Honig was quick to point out just how wrong she was.

In a column for New York Magazine, Honig torched Special Counsel Jack Smith’s “procedurally irregular” tactics in his 165-page federal court filing, specifically regarding Trump’s immunity from prosecution.

He made it clear that Smith isn’t even pretending to play by the rules, writing, “The larger, if less obvious, headline is that Smith has essentially abandoned any pretense; he’ll bend any rule, switch up on any practice — so long as he gets to chip away at Trump’s electoral prospects.”

It’s as if Clinton, desperate to remain relevant, is either turning a blind eye or completely ignoring these blatant inconsistencies.

Honig didn’t hesitate to draw a parallel between Smith’s conduct now and former FBI Director James Comey’s infamous announcements about Clinton’s email investigation right before the 2016 election.

He rhetorically asked what difference there could possibly be between these two cases.

The attempt to criminalize Trump rather than debate on the issues is one of the worst abuses of power in American history.  From the Russian collusion hoax to the Jack Smith tactics it looks like Democrats and their operatives are desperately using the legal system for political purposes rather than campaigning on the issues important to American voters.

See also:

Harris gets grilled on ‘60 Minutes’ for alienating ‘millions and millions’ of voters by calling Trump ‘racist’


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