Is Biden losing a significant portion of black vote?

Black voters propelled Joe Biden to the Democratic nomination in 2020, but after the dust settled from his general election victory over Donald Trump, members of the party acknowledged that the president needed to do more to shore up support among this core constituency.

As Biden prepares to ask voters for four more years in office, a spate of new polls indicates the problem may have intensified. Biden’s 2020 margin among Black voters was smaller than for any other Democratic presidential nominee over the past two decades, and the latest data suggests that support has eroded since the election.

“The red flag is Black voters,” said Quentin James, who controls The Collective super PAC dedicated to electing Black Democrats. “It’s not time to panic. But it’s time to get to work.”

A Quinnipiac University national poll released last week found Biden receiving 73% support from Black voters, compared to 20% for Trump in a hypothetical 2024 rematch. A poll conducted for Fox News released this month showed 61% of Black voters favoring Biden, compared to 20% for Trump. August surveys from Emerson College, Harris X/The Messenger, and YouGov/The Economist also showed similar results.

That’s a significant shift, given exit polls found Biden won 87% of Black voters in 2020, compared to only 11% for Trump.

Biden's loss of support in the black community is significant enough to cause him to lose the next election if it is close.  Recent polls show he is already behind Trump.  That is not too surprising considering how Biden has botched the job of president leading to inflation that has harmed people on a fixed income like many blacks. Biden has been a poor president on many issues and not just inflation.

See, also:

Democrats Have Broken America: Where’s the Outrage?

The Democrats have an ace in the hole in their relentless war on the Constitution – conservative America’s reverence for the concept of the rule of the law.

Only their steadfast commitment to this traditional ideal explains why conservatives are allowing Democrats to flagrantly corrupt our judicial system to destroy their opponents and protect themselves. For all their huffing and puffing, conservatives have effectively taken a let the system play itself out attitude while Democrats nakedly politicize that system through their partisan indictments of former President Trump and their Potemkin Village probes of the Bidens. These are not statements of opinion. These are facts.

Part of me is glad that so many legal analysts have spilled so much ink exposing these charades. But we degrade our country and ourselves when we treat this unspeakable behavior with anything other than horrified contempt. Every good-faith critique normalizes and legitimizes this profoundly un-American conspiracy.


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