Hawaii fires and Biden

 Kevin Downey, Jr.:


But Hawaiians need to understand two things: Wisconsin is a swing state, and Hawaii is a shoo-in for the communists in the Democrat Party. Also, the black vote is way more important to them than that of  Polynesian Americans.

Please understand that Biden requires spending 40% of his year sunning his bumper crop of liver spots, and he’ll get to you when your number of electoral votes increases and your unshakable loyalty begins to waver.

For example, President Joe “totally showered with his daughter Ashley” Biden did the same political math equation for Ohio and decided, that although he’d love the Buckeye state’s delicious 17 electoral votes in 2024, those jackanapeses in Trump-loving East Palestine didn’t merit Biden’s attention. So, screw them, their symptoms, polluted air and water, and dead livestock and pets.

The way Biden turned his back on eastern Ohio, considering the state’s electoral votes, you almost think he knows he has 2024 in the bag and doesn’t need their stinkin’ votes.

FACT-O-RAMA! Even the Communist News Network (CNN) is reporting that precious water was delayed by a Hawaiin state agency during the inferno, but who needs water in a fire, right?

Idea #2: Move to Ukraine

Now, if I were subhuman, I would drop the “you get what you vote for” card on our fellow Americans in the 50th state, but I would never do such a thing. I will say this: If Hawaii wants more than $700 per household to replace their homes, cars, clothes, and furnishings, they should move their beautiful state to Ukraine.

The haole-in-chief has barely lifted a finger to help or visit the Aloha State but recently had the nati to ask Congress for yet another $24 billion for Ukraine.

But at least he had a smile for the Hawiians desperately searching for their families.


Biden eventually got shamed into showing up in Hawaii, but he did not provide the victims with Ukraine-like largesse.  That he choose going to a beach in Deleware as opposed to Hawaii shows remarkable poor judgment.

See, also:


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