Biden's Afghan bug-out becomes political problem


On Friday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “The Story,” Mark Schmitz, whose son, Lance Corporal Jared Schmitz, was killed in the Kabul airport attack in 2021, blasted President Joe Biden for his handling of the withdrawal from Afghanistan by stating that “The advisers were telling Biden not to do what he was going to do. He flat-out ignored it, simply for, I believe that September 11 original date that he wanted to have as the deadline and moved it up to the 31st. And then turns around and has the audacity to blame Trump for everything.”

Biden's rush decision that did not allow the military to plan a retrograde operation and required an immediate retreat leaving people and equipment behind was a debacle that began his polling decline.  The fact that Biden can't take responsibility for his own decisions is more evidence of his poor character. 


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