Biden's open borders policy lets in real terrorists

 Warner Todd Huston:


There has been a security SNAFU so bad that even CNN is reporting it.

The FBI is investigating more than a dozen Uzbek nationals allowed into the US after they sought asylum at the southern border with Mexico earlier this year, a scramble set off when US intelligence officials found that the migrants traveled with the help of a smuggler with ties to ISIS, according to multiple US officials.

While the FBI says no specific ISIS plot has been identified, officials are still working to “identify and assess” all of the individuals who gained entry to the United States, according to a statement from National Security Council spokesman Adrienne Watson. And they are closely scrutinizing a number of the migrants as possible criminal threats, according to two US officials.

Though there is no evidence at this point to justify detaining anyone, the episode was so alarming that an urgent classified intelligence report was circulated to President Joe Biden’s top Cabinet officials in their morning briefing book. For some counterterrorism officials, it shows that the US is deeply vulnerable to the possibility that terrorists could sneak across the southern border by hiding amid the surge of migrants entering the country in search of asylum.
Earlier this year, a cohort of migrants from Uzbekistan requested asylum and were screened by the Department of Homeland Security, part of a rising number of asylum seekers who have traveled to the US from Central Asia in recent years. There was no information in any of the intelligence community’s databases that raised any red flags and the people were all released into the US pending a court date.

It was only later, when the FBI learned about the existence of a human smuggling network helping Uzbek nationals travel to the US – and that this network included at least one individual with connections to ISIS – that national security officials put the pieces together.

FBI agents around the country immediately rushed to try to locate the migrants and investigate their backgrounds. The bureau also worked with Turkish authorities, who arrested the smuggler and other members of his network at the behest of the US, and has subsequently obtained information from him to aid its investigation, US officials said. — CNN

The New York Post added this detail:

But many have not yet been located, and more than 15 that have been tracked down are still under scrutiny as possible criminal threats. — NYPost

The reporting on this story is set up interestingly.

The writers (four of them) seem to be anticipating a potentially harmful outcome but want to frame it in a way to suggest that Biden’s people have done their due diligence in trying to protect American interests in the unlikely event things could go sideways.


With the borders basically open to anyone who wants to walk through them and respond to a few questions without the normal background checks it is not surprising that ISIS would try to exploit it.  Biden has allowed more than 7 million illegals into the country because he does not want to enforce US immigration law.  It is one of the many reasons why he should be impeached.

See, also:

However Bad You Think the Border Mess Is—It's Worse


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