The Fetterman handicap

 PJ Media:


Here’s That Damning Fetterman Video

Watch the Fetterman video — it isn’t long — and just keep reminding yourself that John Fetterman is a serious Senate contender.

Because the media is covering for this mentally addled commie.

Far be it from me to make fun of someone’s medical condition. Except for that time a couple of weeks ago I put a Phillips head drill bit deep into the meaty part of my hand. Everybody here at Villa Verde got a good laugh at my expense once I got the bleeding to stop and the pain to mostly subside.

But it’s no laughing matter when someone obviously mentally unfit to serve is just a few weeks away from winning the White House.

Er, I meant to say, “Just a few weeks away from winning a seat in the United States Senate.”

It’s so hard sometimes remembering which brain-damaged lefty I’m writing about.


I believe Fetterman had a stroke resulting in the impairment. Even before his stroke Fetterman did not have a great resume.


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