Democrats Jan. 6 campaign out of touch with voters

 Salena Zito:


The press weren't alone; the Democrats ran the bulk of their messaging tying Trump and Trump voters with the riot of Jan. 6, 2021. What they missed is that, although voters understand the circumstances of that day, they moved on a long time ago. They are concerned now with the circumstances that actually affect their daily lives — fanatical pandemic restrictions, inflation, crime, supply-chain disruptions, border insecurity, foreign policy weakness, and the like. Many of them believe that the hundreds of hooligans who stormed the Capitol are less threatening to their well-being and prosperity today than the leaders who have allowed all of these problems to get out of control.

A recent Morning Consult survey suggests that Jan. 6 is far from voters' minds heading into this year's midterm contests. Nearly half of voters (47%) said they don’t expect the events of last January to have any impact on their votes in November. And yes, two-thirds of them say it's important to investigate the riot.

In short, you can move on from the riot yet still find it disturbing and expect accountability for it.

You would think Democrats would have figured that out after trying to tie the two together throughout 2021. They haven't. Democrats' premier super PAC, Priorities USA, just launched a six-figure ad buy called Coup. Its narrator opens with a dark and dire warning — “Last time was just a test run” — accompanied by scenes of Trump supporters flooding the Capitol.


“I think the midterm election almost certainly is going to be a referendum on the party in power,” McConnell said. “This is an entirely Democratic government — Democratic president, House, and Senate. They are in charge of governing. And these midterm elections are always a report card on the performance of those who are in charge, those who are governing. I think the American people are about to send this administration a pretty big message, that they do not approve of all the things that are going wrong.”

They should have all learned from 2021. Voters moved on long ago. If you obsess over Trump in 2022, it will kill you. Certainly, it is killing the Democrats and the media right now.


I think the Democrats who are running against the Jan. 6 riots have lost the plot.  McConnell is right.  It is the Democrats' response to being in power that has more to do with their current unpopularity than the Trump effect.  I am sure there are many Trump supporters who still prefer to have him back and there are many voters who feel scammed by Big Tech and the media who covered up Biden's corruption and incompetence. 


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