Amnesty will cost 70 times more than immigration enforcement
Doug Ross:
I respect Marco Rubio. I supported him in his Senate run. Most importantly, I believe he means well.
But the allure of power has proven too strong for him. Ensconced in the Beltway Bubble, Rubio's fallen for what I call "the legislation delusion". Roughly translated, it is the belief that complex, multi-faceted legislation can solve humanity's problems.
Obamacare is the quintessential example of law run amok: it represents tens of thousands of pages of regulations, arbitrary thresholds, segmentation of families into static classes, and other symptoms of a master planner's delusions.
What the Statist terms "Comprehensive Immigration Reform" is similarly -- and fatally -- flawed. It represents dizzyingly complex regulations, dependent upon arbitrary conditions, restrictions, and dictates all requiring millions of pages of flowcharts. It is the product of the proverbial "Mastermind": one who believes he or she can better orchestrate mankind than the entirety of the civil society.
And, as history has proven beyond a shadow of a doubt, the Mastermind must always turn a blind eye to the financial ramifications of their plans. One need only review the cost of Amnesty.The cost of amnesty: $999 billion.
The cost of attrition by enforcement: as little as $14 billion.
Amnesty would cost up to 70 times as much as enforcing existing law.
...The numbers are pretty stark. They come from a study by the Heritage Foundation. The choice is spending nearly a trillion dollars on an amnesty program or 14 billion on immigration enforcement. That should be a no brainer if you strip out the emotional baggage the liberals like to pack into the question.
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