Al Qaeda's rationale not consistent with facts


In claiming responsibility for the attempted bombing of Northwest Airlines Flight 253, al-Qaeda listed grievances including recent military offensives in Yemen, but the bomb plot was unfolding before those incidents occurred.

A statement posted online Monday by Al-Qaeda in Yemen (also known as al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula) said its “manufacturing sector” had provided Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab with the device he took onboard the aircraft.

He managed to pass through advanced security at international airports and had “reached his target,” but the device failed to detonate because of a “technical error.”

“We will continue the path, Allah-permitting, until we reach what we want,” the statement said, according to a translation released by the NEFA Foundation.

The terrorist group said the Christmas Day attack on the Detroit-bound plane was a response to “the unjust American aggression over the Arabian Peninsula,” including “monstrous raids using cluster bombs and cruise missiles” against “the proud tribes of Yemen in Abin, Arhab, and lastly in Shabwa.”

It appears there were survivors of these attacks. We need to do better at finding and destroying these people before they send more mass murderers for Allah to the US.


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