Miami terrorist wanted to out do 9-11


A federal indictment against seven men revealed Friday details of what the government said was a plan to "kill all the devils we can" by blowing up Chicago's Sears Tower.

The "jihad" was intended to be "as good or greater than 9/11," beginning with destruction of the 110-story tower and FBI buildings, according to court documents obtained Friday by CNN.

Named in the grand jury indictment is Narseal Batiste, who allegedly told an informant -- posing as a member of al Qaeda -- that he was organizing an Islamic army to wage a jihad in the United States. (Read the full indictment -- PDF)

The indictment offered no indication that the suspects were actually in contact with any al Qaeda members or that possible targets in Chicago, Illinois, or Miami, Florida, faced any imminent threat.

At a Friday news conference in Washington, U.S. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales said, "Terrorist threats may come from smaller, more loosely defined cells who are not affiliated with al Qaeda, but who are inspired by a jihadist message."


There must be something about Islam that inspires this kind of insanity. It is not Islamaphobia to notice that only Muslims think this way. Fortunately most of them don't, but too many of them seem remarkably unagitated by this cancer their religion hosts. Islamic bigotry is the root cause of the terrorism that we face. It is not phobic to recognize that and it is not asking too much for them to do more to combat it. They can start by removing every Iman who is carrying the infection.

Fox News resports that the group tried to hook up with al Qaeda, but wound up with a law enforcement informant. Their intentions were apparently clear.


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