Haditha doctor quoted in stories about Marines has questionable past

Sweetness and Light has several stories on the doctor at the center of the controversy over the Marine's action in Haditha. The fact that he worked at the hospital there should make him suspect. Reports of enemy casualties obtained from hospitals in Iraq are notoriously overstated and suspect. They tend to identify all casualties as civilians even though at best they do not have a clue about many of them becaue the enemy in Iraq camoflages himslef as a civilian.

The Haditha docotor is associated with several anti war puke publications outside of Iraq. If this man is a witness, a defense attorney will have a field day with his prior statements indicating a hatred for the US and the Marines.

If he is the primary source for the claim that the people died from gun shot wounds and not shrapnel, then the bodies need to be dug up and examined.

Confederate Yankee
says that exhumation has been ordered. Good.


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