Osama against the world

Austin Bay discusses the latest Osama tape:


Bin Laden is upset because the UN intends to take control of the Darfur peacekeeping mission. The African Union (AU) is in charge of the current peacekeeping operation, and it has failed to stop the slaughter.

That’s one reason this latest tape is an agitprop error: most of the world’s opinion leaders, including the liberal and left-wing “internationalistas” who spend a great deal of air time, ink, and electrons excusing Arab terrorists (particularly Hamas) have made the Darfur horror a cause celebre (ironically excusing one band of Islamic extremists while damning another). Here’s a second reason bin Laden’s made a political error: The peacekeeping mission is meant to protect Muslims, so once again Al Qaeda is promoting the murder of Muslims– what the US has been pointing out to the Muslims of the world since September 12, 2001. For three years StrategyPage has been reporting that the Sudanese war in Darfur is a Muslim against Muslim war. The Islamist Janjaweed militias (backed by the Sudan Islamists in Khartoum) have been attacking Muslim farmers –predominantly black African Muslims– in the Darfur region. Of course, the black African Muslims aren’t quite “Muslim enough” for the Sudanese Islamists. (There are, of course, complex ethnic, tribal, and political factors in play, but the Muslim on Muslim mass murder is a fact.)

In the 1990s Sudan served as a haven and a base for bin Laden and key Al Qaeda cadres. This latest bin Laden tape serves the current interests of the Sudanese Islamists who are trying to thwart the UN takeover of the peacekeeping effort. Bin Laden certainly owes the Sudanese Islamists a personal as well as a political debt, so we may be witnessing a bit of “pay off” in the statement.

Osama and the Sudan regime are all Islamo facist. Osama had no problem witht he Taliban slaughter of other Muslims. For Osama, life is only for the true believers who don't explode in service to the cause.


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