Bin Laden backs the real estate worshipping Hamas death cult

AP/NY Times:

Osama bin Laden purportedly said in an audio tape broadcast by Al-Jazeera television Sunday that the West's decision to cut off funds to the Palestinians proved that the United States and Europe were at war with Islam.

He also said the West was supporting what he called a "Zionist crusader war against Muslims."


The coward with the tape recorder speaks nonsese from his cave again. Speaking on behalf of Muslim religious bigots and those with ethnic hatred in their hearts he engages in sloppy "logic" to push his war against the rest of the world. Come on Osama, hold an open news briefing.

Update: There is more in the AP story on MSNBC. Bin Laden also comes out in favor of teh bad guys in Sudan, asks to have the Danish cartoonist turned over to him for trial, and calls for a boycot of US goods. Does that mean he is going to give up his Timex watch?

Walid Phares looks at bin Laden's bullet points.


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