Big story, incurious media

The Anchoress:


Seems like the investigation into leaks eminating from our IC folk is going to be an awfully big story whether the press really wants it to be or not. I’m hoping that the heroes of my childhood - the US Press - may finally redeem themselves by recognising that playing apologetics with leaks affecting national security and anti-terror strategies is going a bridge too far. I’m hoping they will pull themselves off the cliff over which so many are tumbling and actually re-build their reputations by moving beyond the usual closing of ranks to protect the shadow government and actually start reporting on things they’d preferred to leave alone.Seems like the investigation into leaks eminating from our IC folk is going to be an awfully big story whether the press really wants it to be or not. I’m hoping that the heroes of my childhood - the US Press - may finally redeem themselves by recognising that playing apologetics with leaks affecting national security and anti-terror strategies is going a bridge too far. I’m hoping they will pull themselves off the cliff over which so many are tumbling and actually re-build their reputations by moving beyond the usual closing of ranks to protect the shadow government and actually start reporting on things they’d preferred to leave alone.


The press loves to use the word “incurious” about the president, but they reveal a staggering tendancy toward the incurious when it comes to such stories. Or John Kerry’s military records. Or what exactly WAS is Sandy Berger’s pants (har-har, that’s Sandy for you - steals top secret documents and destroys ‘em, what a card!) Or exactly what promises an intelligence officer makes as per the leaking of classified information? Is a National Intelligence Officer really just a lowly analyst? Those are interesting questions that have never piqued the curiosity of the press. They don’t even want to tell us Mary McCarthy’s politics. Seems relevent, but I could be wrong. Seems to me if the president had a D after his name, and she had an R after hers…we’d know it. Oh, yes…it would be the lede....

There is more. I don't think the media can ignore this story even if they hate it. It has bigger legs than Dan Rather's fake memos and for the same reason. It is an attempt by Democrats and their media accomplices to undercut the President, but in this case they were also trying to undercut the country's war effort too. This is going to energize conservative blogs for some time. Just as the media hated what the Swiftvets said, they could ignore it for only so long.


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