Biden's open borders become more open

 Monica Showalter:

The ending of Title 42 COVID restrictions on illegal migrants by a federal judge pretty well signalled to millions of migrants that the border's open and no federal official can stop them so long as they utter the magic word 'asylum.'

That alone is grounds to expect the mother of all border surges.

But why stop there? 

Rather than enforcing immigration laws and asylum abuse as the U.S. laws require, the White House has come up with a sneaky new plan to spirit the millions of migrants massing now at the border in without the Fox News helicopter cameras on them.  

Why secret? Because with immigration law itself not stopping the Bidenites, the one thing that might is the public relations problem as millions of migrants surge at the border ahead of that Jan. 1 kickoff. That is why the new Biden program is being done on the quiet.

The Center for Immigration Studies's Todd Bensman has the story:

Twice a day, seven days a week since September, Mexicali city officials working closely with Biden’s U.S. Customs and Border Protection, on a secure shared “CBP-ONE” online platform, select hundreds of people a month for their escorted government-to-government handoffs through the land port of entry to Calexico, Calif. Once the Americans check their paperwork, they legally admit intending illegal border crossers like Nicaraguan Maria Esperanza Diaz Ruiz, 42, into the U.S. interior under a questionable authority known as “humanitarian or significant public benefit parole.”

They are free to start new lives under the benefit, with work authorization and the right to apply for asylum part of the package.

Border-based NGOs help migrants get their documents and sob stories ready for them so that when U.S. officials come looking for migrants to bring in, they are ready to make their asylum claims, and will get free transport without having to pay cartels for that, as well as instant work permits and public benefits, such as "free" American health care. Bensman reports that the Biden administration isn't saying how many they are letting in this way, but the evidence suggests it's already tens of thousands.

This explains why there have been recent reports of new stationings of personnel at the border as if a new hiring binge is going on among Border Patrol and other agents, even as Biden administration by policy has no intention of stopping any of the migrants.


Biden's refusal to enforce immigration law is an impeachable offense and it is getting even worse. 


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