Biden is the climate kook in chief


‘Climate Hero’ Joe Biden Flies out for World Tour of Environmental Talks

President Joe Biden flew out of Washington, DC, late Thursday night to begin a series of meetings on global environmental and economic issues, as former U.S. vice president and climate activist Al Gore praised Biden as a “climate hero in my book.”

Attendance for a few hours Friday at the U.N.-sponsored climate conference, known as COP27, in the resort town of Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, opens the presidential trip where upwards of 40,000 attendees and official delegates are spending two weeks to debate climate and green energy issues.

The meeting has already heard the world should confront “climate change” the way it does deadly nuclear weapons, by agreeing to a non-proliferation treaty that ends further use of coal, oil and natural gas energy sources, as Breitbart News reported.

He and the other kooks who are pushing this agenda have been serially wrong about the climate for decades.  They predicted that the poles would be ice-free about 10 years ago and yet it still is not.  They predicted that coastal cities would also be underwater and they still are not.  

 Big Green has been clearly wrong about and their alternative energy is nowhere close to being a viable substitute to fossil fuels.  It is unreliable and unaffordable on the scale needed to replace fossil fuels.

See, also:

Biden Threatens “Transformational” Change at UN Summit

It's transforming us from a prosperous nation to a poor one.


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