Trump's warning to Europe coming true

 NY Times:

Shock Waves Hit the Global Economy, Posing Grave Risk to Europe

  • The fallout from the war in Ukraine is menacing Europe with what some fear could become its most challenging economic crisis in decades.
  • A sharp rise in energy prices because of the war could undermine Europe’s industrial might, living standards and cohesion.

It is too bad that Europe did not listen to Trump's concerns and It is even worse that Biden reversed Trump's energy policies which would have helped Europe deal with the crisis.  But, Biden's idiotic energy policies are still in effect as he blocks drilling on federally controlled sites to the lowest level since the Kennedy administration.  By Biden driving up energy prices by limiting the supply he helped fund Putin's war in Ukraine.  Biden's Afghan debacle probably also was probably a factor in Russia's decision to invade Ukraine.

See, also in the Washington Post:

Leaders will consider a proposal from E.U. Commission President Ursula von der Leyen to curb gas and electricity prices.


 Putin threatens to cut supply of oil as well as gas, but Europe is feeling more confident


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