Biden's pre-election screw up

 John Kass:

Did President Joe Biden really pour steaming buckets of official White House hate upon the heads of 75 million American citizens simply for the sin of disagreeing with him?

Yes, he did.

With just two months before the most important election in our lifetimes, Biden decided to kick those tens of millions of Americans to the margins of society. He branded pro Trump MAGA Republicans as hateful fascists, or “semi-fascists” (whatever that means).

Mr. President, you call them fascists, you dehumanize them. And what do you do with opponents who are less than human? Just about anything you want, right Joe?

Just a few days ago, with the critically important 2022 mid-term elections just two months away, the president made that “non-political” speech of his, the speech his White House puppet masters said was about his battle for “the soul of the nation.”

There was no soul in the president’s speech. It was ugly, dark and hostile. He treated the nation the way he and his Department of Justice treat the parents of American school children who dare question woke curriculum taught in public (government) schools–as potential domestic terrorists.

Biden’s designers set the stage, offering that dark, blood-red wall of Philadelphia’s historic Independence Hall. It was bathed in shadow, a marriage of Leni Riefenstahl and Joseph Stalin. Or was it a gathering place for Sith Lords? And the U.S. Marines standing on guard behind him, made it clear that this was official White House business.

Biden raged against the enemies of the state, those MAGA Republicans, saying they represented “a clear and present danger” to the country. Isn’t that what the autocrats say before they start rounding up dissidents and have them stand against the wall? I hope the president provides a blindfold, perhaps a pack of Camel Wides, and a lighter.

“MAGA Republicans do not respect the Constitution,” Biden said. “They do not believe in the rule of law. They do not recognize the will of the people. They refuse to accept the results of a free election. And they’re working right now, as I speak, in state after state to give power to decide elections in America to partisans and cronies, empowering election deniers to undermine democracy itself.”

Was it all paranoid and grotesque and over the top? Yes, of course it was. It was a distraction from the multiple failings of his administration. It was nothing like his 2021 inaugural address, in which he at least tried to act as a responsible leader of a divided nation.

Then the next day, the president said he really didn’t mean it.

“Come on, look guys,” Biden told reporters. “You keep trying to make that case. I don’t consider any Trump supporter to be a threat to the country.”

Who is this guy? Is he the president of the United States throwing bloody red meat to his partisans, including his shock troops of the corrupt legacy corporate media, the same media that colluded with Big Tech to suppress the pre-election newspaper stories in The New York Post about his son’s corrupt business dealings with China and Hunter’s laptop from hell?

Or is he some doddering old geezer full of his own hot gas, a meat puppet whose own words mean nothing to him now, and never did?

Mr. Biden is a serial fabulist, a well-known plagiarist and a racist demagogue who used a fake Foghorn Leghorn voice to shout at black voters that Republican milquetoast Mitt Romney would put them all in chains.

Biden has lost a lot of his original staff and it could be because he will not listen to their advice and produces such bilge as this speech and no one is willing to tell him how awful it was until they read the polling. If someone else wrote this speech they should be fired.


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