Turkey's Islamist government rejecting China trade?

NY Times:

China Plans a New Silk Road, but Partners in Trade Are Wary

Beijing’s effort to revive ancient trade routes is causing geopolitical strains, with countries like Turkey increasingly worried about becoming too dependent on China.
One of the reasons America was discovered was because the Islamist governments of the Middle East were hostile to trade between Europe and China.   They let their religious bigotry overwhelm their common sense when it comes to trade.

While the oil business loosened up this insular attitude to some extent, it has resurfaced among the Salafist Muslims who cling to a radical Islamist view of the world.  You would think that the Turks would be looking for alternative trading partners since they have had a falling out with Russia, but rational thought seems to escape the Ergodan regime.  He probably would not have been open to Marco Polo's journey either.


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