US should not help Turkey fight the Kurds

Washington Post:

Pact would ramp up U.S.-led air war in Syria

Turkey and the United States have agreed on the outlines of a de facto “safe zone” extending into northern Syria, according to officials.
If this means helping Turkey attack the only effective fighting force dealing with ISIL then I am opposed to it.  Are the Turks willing to put boots on the ground to take on ISIL.  I am dubious that they are.  The Turks have been pretty lousy allies in the war with ISIL up until now.  They appear to be using the fight with ISIL in order to take on the Kurds who have been the most effective resistance forces.  The Turks now have an Islamist government that favors giving Palestinians a homeland in Isrtael where they have never had one while opposing allowing self rule for the Kurds who have a real historic claims to the region they occupy.


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