Clintonian parsing can't save Hillary from failure to safeguard classified information

Daily Mail:
'I think there's so much confusion': Hillary Clinton reiterates she didn't 'knowingly' send or receive classified information using her private email server
  • Clinton maintained the claims she made earlier this year about using her private email server at her home
  • She says she's confident about the proper handling of the emails
  • Clinton suggested there was 'confusion' over the issue
  • The State Department is reviewing 55,000 pages of her emails
When handling classified information this kind of excuse will not cut it.  It is like saying you forgot to pay your income taxes.  A person who has been given access to classified material is to safeguard it at all times.

That means you can't leave on top of your desk while you go to lunch or overnight.  It has to be locked away in a classified storage vault or area.  When it is transmitted certain protocols are required to be followed to make sure it does not fall into the wrong hands.  Emailing it through an unsecured server is a serious violation.


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