Why do liberals claim an abortion is about a woman's health?

Jonah Goldberg:
When your grandmother gets some bad news, do you tell her: "Well, at least you have your abortion rights"?

Why not? Maybe it's because whatever you think of abortion, the right to have one is not synonymous with a woman's health.

But don't tell that to the liberal group Think Progress. On Twitter, it recently teased some shocking news: "Why 2013 is shaping up to be the worst year for woman's [sic] health in modern history."

When I followed to the linked story, there was nothing about a spike in cervical or breast cancer rates. Nothing about occupational safety for female workers and no mention of female life expectancy either. Instead, the story was about how the ACLU says anti-abortion laws are on the rise across the country.

Of course, this sort of thing is all over the place. Under the headline "Losing the Global Fight for Women's Health," Luisita Lopez Torregrosa, the "Female Factor" columnist for the international edition of the New York Times, writes of the allegedly horrific threat to women's health posed by restrictive abortion laws in places like Africa, Asia and Latin America. She makes no mention of the estimated 160 million women "missing" in Asia alone who were killed in gender-selective abortions.

Even the most ardent pro-life activist readily concedes that there are instances when an abortion is in the interest of the mother's health. But it is bizarre to suggest that women's health and abortion rights are interchangeable. The biggest killer of women is heart disease, followed by cancer, then stroke. I couldn't find "lack of a timely abortion" on the CDC list.
There is more.

"Women health" is  some poll tested gobbledygook to avoid the ugly truth about abortion.   Liberals know they can't sell the procedure if they tell the truth.  In fact the Texas law which restricts abortions after 20 weeks also requires that the facilities performing abortion have some minimal standards of care which if met would improve a woman's chances of surviving complications from the procedure.  But when it comes to that aspect of the procdure the liberals are opposed to "women's health."


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