The Democrats ugly spectacle in Austin

Tim Carney:
Democratic state senator Wendy Davis last night did a standing, talking filibuster of a bill that would ban abortions on fetuses 20 weeks in development and older. The bill would also hold abortion clinics to the same standards as similar non-abortion medical facilities.

Wendy Davis and her allies will paint this as a Mrs. Smith Goes to Washington moment, and sure some of that drama is there. It took real willpower to stand and talk and run out the clock. The thousands of Austinites who showed up to support her certainly feel that protecting late-term abortion is a civil rights issue.

I’m going to venture a guess here, though. I think that from the perspective of a few decades from now, Wendy Davis’s filibuster isn’t going to look so pretty.

Think about it this way:

The babies at issue here are not formless blobs of cells. Here’s how one mommy website preps pregnant mothers for the 20-week ultrasound: “If Baby cooperates, you can see fingers, toes, spines and even a little face!… it will seem super cute if you see your little one sucking his thumb in-utero!”

They can suck their thumbs, hear their mother’s voices, and feel pain. But of course, these babies are completely powerless. Wendy Davis, a white southern Democrat, filibustered last night to deny humanity to an entire swath of humans.

Davis clearly wasn’t alone, as the galleries in Austin, Twitter, and the news media showed. But she is in the minority.

She needed to filibuster because an overwhelming majority of both chambers wanted to pass the bill to protect 20-week in-utero babies. And 62 percent of Texans polled support a ban on 20-week abortions. Overwhelmingly, Americans think babies in the second and third trimesters ought to be protected by law.
Humanity wins when Wendy Davis loses this fight.  You have to wonder why a pregnant woman who does not want her child would wait 20 weeks to dispose of it.  I find the thought of that repulsive enough.   And if they oppose "back alley" abortions, why do liberals oppose health standards for facilities performing the procedure?


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