What do women want this year?--Not Democrats

Washington Post:

In the final stretch before the midterms, President Obama is giving a lot of attention to the traditional Democratic base: young people, black voters and white women.

But women are his most urgent target. Unlike the other core groups, women are undecided, rather than merely unmotivated. And there are signs in parts of the country that they are open to defecting to the Republicans, potentially defying the long-standing "gender gap" that has skewed heavily toward Democratic candidates.

In the highly competitive Colorado Senate race, women are divided almost evenly between Democratic Sen. Michael Bennet and his Republican challenger, Ken Buck. In Missouri, female voters are not giving any measurable boost to Democratic Senate candidate Robin Carnahan, who is trailing Republican Rep. Roy Blunt. And in New Hampshire, Republican Senate candidate Kelly Ayotte is actually ahead among women by 10 percentage points, one of several factors in her lead overall.

In the House races, where women have sided with Democrats by an average of nine points since 1976, they are now about evenly split between Democrats and Republicans, in the latest Washington Post-ABC News poll. That is a sharp drop-off from just four years ago, when women chose Democrats by a large 12-point margin and put them in the majority.

Of course, the news is not good for Democrats almost everywhere - and certainly much worse among white men, who are embracing Republican candidates by a greater proportion than ever before. But the women matter more: As a whole, men lean Republican, while women usually act as a counterbalance for Democrats.

Some reporters have noticed that women make up a majority of the Tea Party movement. They also are some of the leading candidates for Republicans this year from Nicki Haley to Sharon Angle and many more mama Grizzles. Women are concerned about the Democrats' out of control spending plans and worry about how they will pay for them without taking more out of their own budgets. The Sarah Palin effect is also hurting Democrats who have ridiculed her concerns. Women can tell when they are being dissed.
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  1. Couldn't agree more.

    Women are beginning to understand that by getting freedom to "abort" their unwanted babies, the Democratic Party is asking for more: forcing them to embrace other communist/statist policies that undermine their own interests.

    Oops. One day, I hope they will understand that demanding for freedom to abort instead of requiring ALL MEN TO BE FAITHFUL TO THEIR WIVES is as crappy as other Democratic Party's policies and motives.


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