Islam's parasitic culture

Baron Bodissey:

The following is an excerpt from a 1976 interview with David Bowie in Playboy magazine:

Q: Do you consider yourself an original thinker?
A: Not by any means. More like a tasteful thief. The only art I’ll ever study is stuff that I can steal from.

And so it is with Islam.

After overrunning much of the civilized world during the latter half of the first millennium, Islam set about becoming a tasteful thief of the science, art, technology, and culture of its vanquished foes. Whatever was useful and furthered the advance of Dar al-Islam was borrowed and adopted by the Muslim conquerors, and anything else was discarded and forgotten.

Several centuries later, as Europe emerged from the chaos that followed the fall of the Roman Empire, the Europeans also became voracious borrowers. But the nature of their borrowing was different, and the evolution of Europe’s hybrid culture diverged dramatically from that of Islam.


Beginning during the High Middle Ages — somewhere between the 12th and the 14th centuries A.D. — European technical and cultural development underwent an unprecedented acceleration. Starting from a position considerably behind contemporaneous civilizations — China, India, and the Arab World — the backward and benighted peoples of Europe raced ahead, and in just five brief centuries exploded across the globe to create the most powerful and advanced civilization that the world has ever known.

How did this come about? What made Europe different?

Like the Arabs, the Europeans of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance borrowed prodigiously from any other cultures they encountered. But, unlike the Arabs, Europeans incorporated, elaborated, and extended the knowledge and technology they acquired. Not content with simply utilizing what they stumbled across, they analyzed it, tried to understand it, and placed it within the ever-growing corpus of “philosophy”, the body of knowledge that built on and extended the Roman and Greek classics.

There is much more.

He gives several examples optics being just one, where the Europeans took and idea and made something practical with it. In the Muslim world today there are virtually no inventors. Spain, which is no powerhouse when it comes to innovation has more new patents in a year that the entire Muslim world.

Islam has become a parasitic culture which creates little of value. Human bombs are the major GDP for the Palestinian culture.

The warriors of al Qaeda uses watches made elsewhere and weapons made by someone else. Even their IED's are made from components created by non Muslims. If radical Islam succeeded in conquering the world we would regress well beyond the Middle Ages.


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