Many in Zimbabwe refuse to vote


Despite threats from Mr Mugabe's thugs to beat those who refused to vote, many polling stations in the capital Harare had not seen a single ballot cast three hours after opening.

Others remained virtually empty and many of those who did vote simply spoiled their ballot papers.


Mr Mugabe's militiamen warned they would launch "Operation Red Finger", targeting anyone whose left little finger is not stained with the ink used to indicate who has voted.

But observers estimated that turnout was between a quarter and a third of the level seen in the first round on March 29.

One man in Harare's suburb of Belvedere spoiled his ballot in protest against the regime. Holding up his coloured finger, he said: "It's just to be safe. I have got to vote, they have been saying 'We will spill your blood if you don't'."

But he marked two crosses on his ballot paper, beside both Mr Mugabe and Mr Tsvangirai: "You have to put two crosses, if you leave it blank they will fill it in themselves," he said.

Others did not even bother going to the polling booths. A waiter with a red fingertip admitted: "I did it myself, with a ball-point pen. It's better to be safe."


I will not be surprised if the ballot boxes are stuffed to make the turnout look larger. It is interesting to see this evidence of a passive aggressive approach by voters.

The Daily Mail reports that many people are fleeing the country or into the bush to avoid Mugabe's thugs reprisal for not voting.


Risking crocodile-infested rivers, some tried to flee by foot while thousands begged to be let across the country’s border after arriving in cars and buses.

Others darted into the bush, preferring to live on roots and berries than risk death at the hands of Mugabe’s dreaded secret police.

Many ordinary Zimbabweans, who have seen their life expectancy drop from 75 to 35 since Mugabe came to power 28 years ago, said they would rather go into hiding than vote.


It is a tough place to live and living seems to get tougher everyday under Mugabe.


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