The Dem's false flag of Social Security solvency

Washington Times

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi could not have been more clear in explaining the Democratic plan to solve Social Security's long-term solvency problem. Earlier this month she told Chris Wallace on Fox News Sunday: "The [Democratic] plan for solvency is to stop robbing Social Security of its [surplus] money for other purposes. The plan is to return the money back to the trust fund." In offering the minority party's budget blueprint two weeks ago, House Democrats got their opportunity to present their plan. And they failed miserably to act on Mrs. Pelosi's words. In fact, over 10 years, the Democrats' budget falls short of Mrs. Pelosi's "plan for solvency" by a whopping $3.6 trillion.


Indeed, over the entire 2006-15 period covered by the Democratic budget blueprint, the Democrats fail to meet Mrs. Pelosi's standard each and every year. And they fail by enormous amounts. Social Security trustees, in their 2005 report issued on Wednesday, estimate that Social Security trust-fund surpluses, including interest income, will total $2.4 trillion from 2006 through 2015. Over the same period, the Democratic budget blueprint would generate budget deficits totaling $1.2 trillion. Without relying on the $2.4 trillion in Social Security surpluses from 2006-15, the Democratic budget deficits would total $3.6 trillion. Clearly, Mrs. Pelosi and her Democratic colleagues do not have the courage of their espoused convictions.
The Democrat's not so secret plan is to raise income taxes to cover the Social Security shortfall in the out years.


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