On the wrong side

Melanie Phillips:


...The way in which elements in the anti-war camp are dismissing this election is beyond disgusting. They have done everything they possibly can to denigrate the heroic attempt by the Iraqis to become a free society. First they said it was ridiculous to expect the Iraqis to want to have a democracy at all; then they said the election would never happen, thus giving every encouragement to Zarquawi et al to step up the terror; now that they have been proved wrong yet again and the election is happening despite them, they are saying that it won't change anything. and undoubtedly they will seize the slightest pretext to claim that the result is illegitimate. These people will be judged by history in the same light as the appeasers of the Nazis in the 1930s, or the fellow-travellers who once extolled Stalin's Russia -- unprincipled creeps who, when called upon to defend freedom against tyranny, were on the wrong side.
She is actually talking about how the BBC is covedring teh elections. It must be the Bush Derangement Syndron which seems to sweeping across the Atlantic causing BBC reporters and "newsreaders" to lose their mind. The BBC should be reminding their viewers that every vote cast is a vote against Zarqawi and bin Laden since both have made it clear that they want no one to vote. Apparently their position coincides witht he BBC which they probably do not want to remind people about.


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