Voters side with Texas over border wall

 Washington Examiner:

A sizable majority of the public supports Texas’s construction of a wall along its border with Mexico and feels that President Joe Biden’s efforts to stop it are the first step toward civil war.

In a sobering analysis of the escalating topic, 69% of likely 2024 voters said that they support the border wall and razor-wire fence that Gov. Greg Abbott (R-TX) has ordered. Among those, a majority, 51%, said they “strongly” back Texas in its fight to stop illegal immigration and the surge of “gotaways” getting past federal border agents.

The White House won the Supreme Court’s support for stopping Texas, but not voters.

Besides fighting voters, Biden has clashed with members of his own party over his open-borders policy.

He has charged that Congress hasn’t given him the power to close the border, but critics claim he has the authority to slow or end illegal immigration as other past presidents have, including Donald Trump and Barack Obama.

The topic threatens more than Biden’s reelection plans. A majority of voters told Rasmussen Reports that Biden is stoking the fires of civil war.

Asked, “Do you agree or disagree with this statement about the border dispute between Texas and the federal government: ‘The feds are staging a civil war, and Texas should stand their ground?'” 55% said they agreed, while 36% said they didn’t.


The open borders policy is a good reason to vote against Biden and the Democrats who support it. I think Biden is trying to change the demographics of Texas for political reasons because he and the Democrats keep losing elections in the state.

See also:

Lankford Plan Helps Biden Migration, Hinders Trump Crackdown

Sen. James Lankford’s (R-OK) border proposal helps President Joe Biden import more migrants — and hinders President Donald Trump from reducing the inflow, says Rosemary Jenks, at the Immigration Accountability Project.


 Oklahoma Republican Party Ends ‘All Support’ for Sen. James Lankford over Senate Deal to Expand Immigration


 Texas' standoff with the feds in Eagle Pass is igniting calls for secession and fears of violence


 Texas comes to Kentucky: Actions and reactions in Frankfort to Biden's border fight


 Fox News’ Dana Perino Slams Biden After He Falsely Claims He’s ‘Done All He Can’ on the Border – Then Shuffles Away to Marine One (VIDEO)


 'Simply Untrue': Speaker Dismisses Biden Claim 'I've Done All I Can' to Secure the Border


 Biden’s heart stopped after he was delivered stunning intelligence from the border


 HOT TAKES: People Have Great Fun Mocking Dem Who Tries to Whip Up Fear With Claims of Trump Border Plans


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