Biden losing support among young voters

 Red State:

Trouble looms on the horizon for Joe Biden, at least for now. While polling has consistently shown discontent among younger voters, a key base for the Democratic Party, direct testimony isn't saying anything different.

The Washington Post visited the campus of the University of Michigan, and the responses were dire for the cognitively challenged president. 

The Washington Post recently spoke to several University of Michigan voters who claimed they might support a candidate other than Biden due to the issue, with one voter telling the outlet that she and her friends now refer to the world leader as "Genocide Joe" because of his support for Israel. 


The Post reported: "… [senior Bhavani Iyer] said she doesn’t know if she will support President Biden’s reelection bid next November. One of her top priorities is protecting access to abortion, but her disapproval of Biden’s handling of the Israel-Gaza war and his decision not to call for a full cease-fire weighs just as heavily on her mind these days."

"In past elections, I voted a straight ticket. But in this one, I feel like it’s probably not going to be that way," Iyer told the paper.

Several more examples are given with quotes in the article, but you get the idea. Young voters are very upset with the current White House resident.

In light of that, while there hasn't been a lot to celebrate as a Republican over the last half-decade or so, I take a lot of enjoyment from watching the Democratic Party eat itself. That it's doing so over Israel trying to destroy Hamas, a terrorist government that massacred 1,400 people on October 7th, makes it even better. 

The far left doesn't care that Biden is in a steep mental and physical decline or that his policies have created an economic situation that would make Jimmy Carter look preferable. Young voters particularly don't care that they won't be able to buy a house or that they'll have to get two jobs to make ends meet after they wrack up a few hundred thousand in debt with college. 

No, what they care about is that the president isn't antisemitic enough. It's both hilarious and pathetic. Out of all the horrible things Biden has done and continues to do, the one thing that kills him with younger voters is his lack of support for a terrorist government that has pledged to commit genocide in order to create an Islamic state that treats women like slaves. You can't make this stuff up. That's how contradictory and insane the modern left is. 


They seem upset that Biden is not the liberal wacko they wanted.   It looks like the left now supports Hamas's mass murdering baby killers.  Both the Dems and the Republicans should be appalled at that position by the left.

See also:

Pro-Israel teacher hides in Queens high school as ‘radicalized’ students riot: ‘They want her fired’


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