Majority believe Obama's budget does not cut enough spending

Historical government spending by major functi...Image via Wikipedia
Rasmussen Reports:

Most voters don’t think President Obama’s proposed $3.7 trillion federal budget includes enough spending cuts, and despite House Republican plans to cut substantially more, a plurality of voters don’t think the GOP goes far enough either.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 55% of Likely U.S. Voters say, generally speaking, that the president’s budget proposal cuts government spending too little. Ten percent (10%) say it cuts too much, while 26% say his budget cuts about the right amount....

While congressional Republicans are criticizing the president for not cutting enough and are planning much bigger budget cuts, 40% of voters say, generally speaking, that the changes proposed by the GOP also cut government spending too little. Twenty-eight percent (28%) say Republicans want to cut too much, while 18% think their planned budget cuts are about right. Fourteen percent (14%) are not sure.

Republican voters are even more critical of the legislators from their own party. Fifty-one percent (51%) of Republicans say the changes proposed by congressional Republicans cut too little, a view shared by 41% of voters not affiliated with either of the major political parties. Forty-six percent (46%) of Democrats think the GOP wants to cut too much.

This is bad news for the Democrats who think forcing a shutdown will benefit them politically. It will be as big a mistake as their passing Obamacare. It is a political disaster in the making with roughly a quarter of voters supporting their position. Obama is overplaying a weak hand.
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