UK's goofy sense of justice

Both of these stories are from the Daily Mail:

Accused of murder, council official's son who knifed two burglars raiding his mother's home

£1m stolen in 665 raids yet burglar walks free... and is given a new home

Defending ones property is murder, but the thieves can get away with the crime and get a new home too? This is political correctness run amok. The guy who attacked the burglars should have been no billed and would have in Texas. In Texas he could have taken them out with pistol or rifle. The British criminal justice system is a disgrace to the term justice.

The second story should define a career criminal who is well beyond the three strikes limit. He should have gotten life in prison long ago, and not a new home on the outside.


  1. Couldn't agree more. The climate of targets and political correctness has had a very negative impact on our policing and criminal justice system.


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