The Valerie Jarrett train wreck

Tony Harnden writes:


Within the space of a minute, Jarrett said of Fox that “of course they’re biased”, then that “I don’t want to just generalise all Fox is biased” (sorry, but you just did – eight seconds ago) before finally settling on the preposterous “we’re actually calling everybody out”. That’s, er, calling out “everybody” whose name is made up of two words, second word news, first word beginning with F and ending in X.

In the middle of all this patent nonsense, Jarrett blurted out the truly bizarre notion that “what the administration has said very clearly is that we’re going to speak truth to power”. Poor plucky little Barack Obama, United States commander-in-chief and leader of the Free World taking on Goliath. They may still act as if the election campaign is still on but it might be a good idea for Jarrett and Co to reflect that they are power.

As David Zurawik notes: “such a phrase from our collective past that has real resonance because it was once loaded with such intergrity, moral authority and wisdom when first uttered, is cheapened when used in such a blantantly and inappropriate political context”.


Clearly, too many in the White House are listening to themselves too much and not paying attention to the world outside their bubble. Even when they do listen to Fox it is not with an inquiring mind. They are not trying to comprehend why the Fox opinion people are saying things they disagree with, but are listening for ways to counter attack. That is not working out for them.

Do you think Karl Rove and George Bush spent much time worrying about what Keith Olbermann was saying? I doubt it unless they were thinking of ways they could get on his worse person in the world list. I think my career as a blogger would really by enhanced by such a designation from such a jerk. The only think better would be a fatwa from bin Laden or Zawahiri. Having such people hate you is a badge of honor.


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