Left can't bare exposure

Ralph Peters:

The Obama administration's un-American attempt to vilify Fox News only increased the network's popularity. But this White House debacle can't be judged in isolation: There's a global leftwing assault on the freedom of information.

Intense leftist sentiment in most of the international media isn't enough. Extremists seek total control.

The one thing leftists just can't bear is criticism. (Mass murder's fine, but don't stray from the party line.) As early as the French Revolution, the left grasped that a free press is inherently subversive to its doctrines.

The Obama administration's aborted Fox hunt simply aligned our government with the hounds of the global left. Our Constitution and common sense frustrated the White House apparatchiks -- but other leftist and radical regimes are crushing press freedoms, murdering dissenting journalists and turning the media into a state weapon.

In country after country where Obama's been tapping re-set buttons, the media are under assault....


So the White House temper tantrum over the popularity of Fox News is perfectly understandable: It's just leftists being leftists. They fear that leftwing theories, long discredited in practice, will die like vampires if exposed to the light of day.


If the left's vision for humanity is so superior, you'd think leftists could live with alternative views. But the left is totalitarian at heart and can no more tolerate debate than al Qaeda's fanatics can accept religious diversity.


The media is just another place where the left cannot tolerate diversity. It is where their first instinct is to demonize and not to debate. With so many alternatives they could easily watch media that validates their prejudices, but they just cannot accept that any other point of view si valid enough to see daylight. They also want to shut up conservative spokesmen too. That is why they have such visceral hatred for Sarah Palin.


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