Russia thwarts administration Iran policy

Washington Post:

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton held lengthy talks with senior Russian officials Tuesday as part of an intense American effort to improve relations, but she made few gains on a top U.S. priority -- increasing pressure on Iran.

Clinton urged her Russian counterpart, Sergey Lavrov, to work together on developing possible sanctions in case international negotiations over the Iranian nuclear program fail, said a U.S. official close to the talks.

But the Russian was cool to the idea, saying he was concerned about backing Iran into a corner, the U.S. official said, speaking on the condition of anonymity to discuss the sensitive sessions.

Emerging from four hours of talks with Clinton, Lavrov told reporters that "threats, sanctions and threats of pressure" against Iran would be "counterproductive."


I suppose he is arguing that doing nothing has been so much more productive? The Russian position is not supportable by the facts or common sense. In fact it is irrational if their stated position of opposing Iran's nuclear weapons program is to be believed. If they think doing nothing to stop it is going to stop it, they are just not serious people or they are on the side of the religious bigots in charge of Iran's program.


  1. Great piece Merv- this is linked at my place.

    But IMO, Putin’s bluffing, re Iranian nukes- he doesn’t want a nuclear ME any more than we do.

    But, Vlad’s wisely working the Boy Wonder like a poker player. He knows the Israelis will bomb Iran back to the Stone Age… so the Kremilin is just milking all sides for all they can get before leaving Tehran to fend for themselves-

    And he’ll be wringing Obama for plenty more concessions along the way… these KGB guys know a mark when they see one.
    God Help Us until 2012…


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