Phony racism charges by Obama supporters

Mary Mitchell:

A day after Sarah Palin's big night, I was standing outside the hotel when I witnessed the impact of her barbed speech at the Republican convention.

A waitress who had hours earlier cheerfully served me breakfast came through the rear door and ran up to the first woman she saw wearing a McCain/Palin pin and gushed.

"It was wonderful," she exclaimed. "I got so excited I had to put down my beer."

Given the way this election is heading, McCain risks being overshadowed by his running mate.

And that would be a bad thing.

I may not agree with the Republican nominee's policies, but I've never doubted for one minute that he is an honorable man.

After hearing Palin speak, I'm afraid she's going to take McCain someplace he doesn't really want to go.

During her debut, Palin electrified the Republicans, but she also shook up every registered voter in the 'hood.

Besides mocking the historic breakthrough of Barack Obama emerging as the Democrats' nominee, Palin was relentless in her use of language that reinforces divisions among black and white voters -- particularly pitting small-town people against the rest of us.

That's unfortunate, especially since McCain has tried to reach out to black leadership despite Obama's solid hold on the black vote.


Let me get this straight. The Obama campaign attacks Palin because of her experience as mayor of a small town. She responds with a mildly sarcastic comparison to Obama's old job, and some hyper sensitive people who evidently are black suggest that is racism. These guys don't sound as tough as most people and crying wolf or racist when it clearly is not is going to lose credibility and make their candidate look like a wimp.

The fact is that she got a good rejoinder in to comments by the Obama team denigrating her resume. She did not whine about people being mean to her or call them names. She made fun of them to devastating effect and some of Obama's friends are insulting our intelligence by suggesting the comment was racist.

It is time for these people to grow up and quit blaming every disappointment on racism. It is holding them back from achieving their true potential. There is a debate going on and both sides get to put their point of view before the voters and let them choose. Don't try to shut down the debate. Join it. Would these people respect this kind of whining on the basketball court?

Ed Morrissey finds more hypersensitivity here.

Update: By the standards of the whiners Obama is also making racist comments about community organizers. I don't have much respect for arguments that try to shut off debate by engaging in name calling. Clearly neither Palin's remarks or Obama's remarks about community organizers were racist.


  1. "A"s pick "A"s - "B"s pick "C"s.

    I'll let you decode it.


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