Iranian students adopt New Hampshire motto

Daily Mail:

Students defied a clampdown on protests in Iran yesterday by tearing down the gates of Tehran university.

They chanted slogans against President Ahmadinejad and carried placards saying "Live free or die", "No war, no fascism" and "Women must decide their fate, not the state." (Emphasis added.)

They wrecked the iron-barred gates and threw stones at police, according to Iranian state radio, which said the protest ended peacefully.


The president and his government say they "support free speech and welcome constructive opposition".

Ahmadinejad may not recognize the source of this slogan, but he is beginning to feel the effect of it. Whether the students can survive their rebellion may be another question. It is hard to gauge the effect of demonstrations in Iran, because they have been happening for years, yet the religious bigots still control the country and the electoral process.

I wonder if the Christian Science Monitor sees the irony in this headline:

Ahmadinejad: rock star in rural Iran

He is also something of a "rock" star on campus too.


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