Give FEMA job to Jeb Bush

Don Surber:

Following Hurricane Katrina, people said they wished New Orleans had a Rudy Giuliani. By now the Big Easy would settle for Dennis Kucinich. But Giuliani faced a tragedy on a much smaller scale. He did not face a town 80 percent underwater with 1 million evacuees. Far different.

Today's Washington Post carries an op-ed from the man who handled Katrina and a dozen other hurricanes with aplomb. Florida Gov. Jeb Bush is an expert on hurricanes. Why not tap into his expertise?...


Instead of looking at the bad, the nation should look at the good. Florida learned its lessons from past mistakes. Gov. Bush's piece said:
Our year-round planning anticipates Florida's needs and challenges -- well before a storm makes landfall. To encourage our residents to prepare for hurricane season this year, for 12 days Florida suspended the state sales tax on disaster supplies, such as flashlights, batteries and generators. Shelters that provide medical care for the sick and elderly take reservations long before a storm starts brewing. To ensure that people get out of harm's way in a safe and orderly manner, counties coordinate with each other and issue evacuation orders in phases. Satellite positioning systems, advanced computer software and a uniform statewide radio system allow all of these groups and first responders to communicate when the phones, cell towers and electricity go out.
And here is the kicker. Even though Katrina hit his state as well. Even though it was in the middle of the hurricane season. And even though Louisiana officials were in full panic mode, Bush was able to send 3,700 first responders, 5.5 million gallons of water and 4 million pounds of ice (as well as 934,000 cases of food) to Mississippi and Louisiana.


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