Media accused of hiding Biden deteriation

 PJ Media:

The disaster of Thursday night’s debate provided Americans with two giant revelations.

First, Joe Biden is mentally and physically failing and cannot remain president.

Second, and of greater long-term import, the media has been stripped bare as our most corrupt institution — and that is saying something.

The debate showed everyone what happens when the Democratic communications machine, formerly known as the media, is bypassed, and candidates can be seen clearly by the American people without the filters. The media has been lying — expect this word to come up a lot — to the American people on behalf of Biden and Democrats for years. But the very second they are unable to control the content and the narrative, the truth comes busting out for everyone to see. It was glorious and horrific.

President Trump could not have been more right when he said in April 2019 that the media is “truly the enemy of the people.” The Hill (media) said Trump was “ratcheting up his use of the derisive label to attack the news media.” There’s some straight reporting. It quickly evolved in the media narrative of Trump’s war on the media, the go-to phrase of the lemming journos.

No. The Hill was wrong. It has long been the media’s war on the American people who are not bi-coastal elites. Trump was so right.

It was a "the Emperor has on no clothes" moment for the US and the world to see.  It is not just a problem locally but our adversaries also saw it and are probably making calculations to take advantage of it.  The media will have to work to restore its own credibility.

See also:

Israelis Fear Iran, Terrorists Exploiting Biden Weakness


 President Biden’s debate disaster reveals a campaign built on lies


 Major newspaper in vital swing state issues shocking ultimatum to Biden after debate flop


 Here Are The 20 Biggest Whoppers Biden Told During His Debate With Trump


 Biden, 81, has difficulty functioning outside of 6-hour window as aides attempt to spin prez’s horrid debate performance: alarming report

That gives our enemies 18 hours to work with when planning attacks. 


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