The left resorts to slurs rather than dialog with opponents

 Vasko Kohlmayer:

When thousands of truckers drove toward Ottawa in protest against the vaccine mandates, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau described them as “the small fringe minority” holding “unacceptable views.”

As the movement gained momentum and the truckers were joined and cheered on by scores of their compatriots objecting to Canada’s regime of Covid oppression, Trudeau implied that they were racists and Nazis. This he added on top of his earlier characterization of those who object to his policies as misogynists, science deniers, purveyors of misinformation, and conspiracy theorists.

By doing this he followed the standard line of the woke elites when dealing with those who do not want to go along with their dehumanizing and exploitative agendas. Rather than meeting the other side in rational discussion, they simply hurl insults that are void of any substance. “Racist,” “Nazi,” “conspiracy theorist,” and “misogynist” are their slurs of choice. It does not matter to them that such characterizations are baseless. Their wanton abuse of language and truth shows just how pathetic and detached from reality the elitists really are.

Trudeau’s tirades could not be more laughable or absurd. That the unfolding protests have nothing to do with racism or Nazism or misogyny or science-denial is glaringly obvious to everyone with the eyes to see. What the protesters are standing up against is their government’s Covid chicanery, which has been among the most repressive in the western world.

Lockdowns, curfews, travel bans, injections and boosters forced via onerous ID passports, police harassment: this has been Canadians’ experience in the past twenty-four months.

And when people finally rise against their oppression, Trudeau resorts to calling them names that bear no relation to who these people are or what they are asking for.


We see this happening in the US too.  It is as if the left has lost the ability to engage opponents in a dialogue. 


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