The false comparison of BLM riots and Trucker convoys

 Tiana Lowe:

In the summer of 2020, Gretchen Whitmer praised not just Black Lives Matter but also the “spirit” of the "defund the police" movement. Two years later (and facing a nail-biter of a reelection campaign), the Michigan governor has changed her tune when it comes to the Canadian truckers conducting their Freedom Convoy. Whitmer called upon the growing demonstration, which is currently stalling transit between Michigan and its northern neighbor, to end the “unacceptable” protest.

Left-wing politicians and their agents in the media haven't hidden their ever-shifting standards, drawing a false equivalency between the race riots of 2020 and the convoy up in Canada today, but beyond sheer hypocrisy, the two aren’t the same.


That doesn’t matter to Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who is definitely not the illegitimate love child of Fidel Castro. The prime minister explicitly said that he participated in protests like BLM when he “supported the people expressing their concerns and their issues.” The truckers, who have a simple demand to end the second-class citizenship of unvaccinated Canadians, were accused by Trudeau of expressing “hateful rhetoric, violence towards fellow citizens, and a disrespect, not just of science.”

In Trudeau's logic, truckers opposing vaccine mandates in a country that is nearly entirely vaccinated constitute "violence" and "disrespect" toward "the science." But burning buildings down just for kicks? That's just an expression of a valid concern! Got it?


Liberals live in this alternate universe where rioting, looting, and arson a valid forms of protest, but parking your truck and expressing disagreement with an arbitrary mandate is considered worse.  Sane people can see the difference. 


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