Venezuela prepares for war with Colombia


Mr Chavez said Venezuela could end up going to war with Colombia as tensions between them rise, and he warned that if a conflict broke out "it could extend throughout the whole continent".

"The best way to avoid war is preparing for it," Mr Chavez told military officers during his weekly television and radio program. Venezuela's socialist leader has also cited a recent deal between Bogota and Washington giving US troops greater access to military bases as a threat to regional stability.

There was no immediate reaction from either the Colombian or US government, but in the past they have denied intentions to start a war with Venezuela and said the base deal is needed to fight the war on drugs and insurgents in Colombia, which is a major cocaine producer struggling with a decades-old internal conflict.

Tensions along the Venezuela-Colombia border have been exacerbated in recent weeks by a series of shootings and slayings.


I think this is a cover for the increasing Venezuelan facilitation of the flow of drugs out of Colombia. Those drugs fuel the insurgency there and also line the pockets of those who help them get to distributions points. I suspect that Colombia has a better army over all, but Chavez has been buying a lot of armor which Colombia does not have in any strength.


  1. I never thought of it like that, but it really is true.
    Term papers


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