Obama's church plays the victim card for Wright

Fox News:

The new pastor at Barack Obama’s church used his first Easter sermon on Sunday to compare controversial Rev. Jeremiah Wright Jr. to Jesus’ death at the hands of the Romans.

Sunday’s sunrise sermon, delivered by Rev. Otis Moss III, was called “How to Handle a Public Lynching” and focused primarily on the media firestorm that has focused international attention on this Chicago ministry, which is the church attended by the Democratic presidential candidate.

Moss did not directly mention his spiritual mentor by name, but implied to the congregation at Trinity United Church of Christ that Wright, who has delivered sermons in which he likened the U.S. to the Ku Klux Klan and said it is damned for its state-sponsored terrorism, is facing the same challenges Jesus did.

“No one should start a ministry with lynching, no one should end their ministry with lynching. The lynching was national news. The RNN, the Roman News Network, was reporting it and NPR, National Publican Radio had it on the radio. The Jerusalem Post and the Palestine Times all wanted exclusives, they searched out the young ministers, showed up unannounced at their houses, tried to talk with their families, called up their friends, wanted to get a quote on how do you feel about the lynching?” he said.

The Sunday services made clear that the criticism surrounding Wright has not softened the church’s sermons, and that the controversy has in a way served as a rallying cry for this 8,000-member congregation.


So does he think Obama held the rope? Obama has criticized Wright's paranoid racist rants too. Why would this church want to embrace false and misleading statements by its former minister. If they believe that nonsense it will make it even harder for Obama to stand by them. I certainly would not want to associate myself with people who believe a blood liable about this country. Wright's on tongue was his downfall. Comparing his critics to the Klan will only further alienate this group and confirm in the minds of many a kook status.


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