UK's climate change optimist


INTERNATIONAL action to halt climate change must be taken within 20 years or global warming will be irreversible, scientists said yesterday.

By 2025 the technology needs to be in place to reduce carbon emissions by 2.6 per cent every year to avoid catastrophic climate change. Leaving it any later will mean that so much carbon dioxide has been released into the atmosphere that it will no longer be feasible to reduce levels sufficiently, the Royal Society was told yesterday.

The rate of global warming is already worse than was feared in 2001, with melting ice likely to increase sea levels by up to 40ft unless temperatures are stabilised. In the Antarctic an area of ice big enough to swallow Britain almost three times over could float away and melt.

A report published yesterday to provide a comprehensive analysis of climate research gives warning of irreversible damage to the ecosystem unless action is taken on an international level. Tony Blair, writing the foreword to the report, said: “It is now plain that the emission of greenhouse gases, associated with industrialisation and economic growth from a world population that has increased six-fold in 200 years, is causing global warming at a rate that is unsustainable.”


They are the optimist because AlGore gives the world only five years to changes its ways are we all DOOMED. Of course none of these guys are willing to explain global warming on Mars, So how are we suppose to reverse that? Perhaps these selfish Chicken Littles just do not care about the enviroment on Mars. Or, perhaps teh son is responsible for the warming and the green house gas theory is just an excuse for teh control freaks to take over all economic productivity.


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