Time for strategic redeployment from Los Angelos

Gateway Pundit points out that casualty figures in Los Angelos exceeded those in Iraq last year.

In 2005 there were 846 US military casualties in Iraq.

In 2005 there were 860 homicides in the Los Angeles area.

Representative John Murtha (Pink Hawk) today called the situation in Iraq a Civil War.

He also said that US military will be withdrawing from Iraq by the end of the year. The Iraqis have already announced that they are taking over security from the Allied forces for security in several sections of Iraq. This shows the progress being made in training of Iraqi forces.

However, Rep. Murtha is making it sound like we are losing in Iraq....

The idea that the US is losing in Iraq is preposterous and shows a profound ignornace of history and warfare. The enemy has not won a single engagement of platoon size or larger inIraq and is infact incapable of engage US troops with out risking his own destruction. For that reason his primary focus of attack has been on Iraqi noncombatants. This has backfired seriously on him, resulting in infighting among the enemy and greater intelligence to US forces. There are people in this country who want to lose this war and they try daily to turn victory into defeat, but the facts on the ground say they are wrong.


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