Conan O'Brian and the race for President of Finland, part 2


Finland's first woman president faced a tight race with her conservative challenger as voters cast ballots on Sunday in an election run-off.

Opinion polls had given left-leaning President Tarja Halonen, who is seeking a second and final six-year term, a slim lead despite a swell of support for her opponent, moderate rightist Sauli Niinisto.

The incumbent, backed by the Social Democratic Party and leftist and labour groups, has campaigned as "the president for all the people", on a platform of equality and preserving the welfare state in Finland, on Europe's northern outskirts.

Niinisto, a banker who styles himself as "the workers' president", has argued in favor of economic and social reforms to create jobs and ensure Finland's continued prosperity.


Despite her likeness to comedian Conan O'Brian anyone who favors the welfare state and dependency is not very smart and deserves to be defeated. Socialism has been a failure everywhere it has been tried lowering the overall quality of life. It leads to the rationing of health care and other goods and services. Before the collapse of the Soviet Union people actually had to stand in long lines just to buy bread. If flour was not delivered to a baker, he just sat there waiting for someone from the state to dliver it.

In a capitalist society the only time people are required to stand in long lines for basic goods and services is when prices are artificially held down such as Jimmy Carters gas lines. Rationing by price is much more efficient. It also gives people and incentive to become more efficient and get things like flour so they can sell bread, rather than sitting around waiting for it. In the communist system someone would have to decide how many eggs and loaves of bread are needed in NY City everyday. In a capitalist society that decision is made by indivicuals everyday and there is rarely too many or too few.

Cuba is a text book example fo teh failure of socialism. People are still driving 50 year old cars and it is not because of the US trade embargo since there are many countries who produce cars who trade with Cuba. It is because of Castro's incompetance and the lack of incentive for producing wealth in Cuba.


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